This past month though, I've been doing a lot of book-shopping. (And it looks like it won't be ending any time soon as I've got a few more titles I've been eyeing to purchase.)
From L-to-R: Yann Martel's Life of Pi that is recently turned into a movie. First read the book in 2005 and decided to pick up my own copy and re-read in anticipation of the movie. The story remained fresh and original as the first time I read it. The Book Thief is a title I've discovered from Quora. I've been following a lot of bookish posts on Quora (which turned out to be a great community for book lovers like me!) and so intrigued by it that I can't wait to check out. Haruki Murakami's Norwegian Wood - my first Murakami read. Murakami is supposed to be a great storyteller and this is one of his defining works. Finally, DH Lawrence's Lady Chatterly's Lover. I don't know - I love literary fiction of women caught in affairs like Madame Bovary and Chopin's The Awakening.
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